Taiwan Process Tracing Report
UNDERSTANDING GOVERNANCE VIRTUOUS CIRCLES: WHO SUCCEEDED AND WHY International Conference, 8-12 July, Berlin link to conference agenda link to presentation
UNDERSTANDING GOVERNANCE VIRTUOUS CIRCLES: WHO SUCCEEDED AND WHY International Conference, 8-12 July, Berlin link to conference agenda link to presentation
ERCAS Working Paper 06/2015 Since Taiwan became democratic in 1992 and especially after the change in ruling parties in 2000, the passage of new laws and the reform of existing…
in: Fischer, Doris/Müller-Hofstede, Christoph: Länderbericht China. Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung 2015, pp.573-606 Die Volksrepublik China ist längst zur Weltmacht aufgestiegen. Entwicklungen und Entscheidungen in China wirken sich spürbar in anderen…
The China Quarterly 222 2015, pp. 560-61 [blox_button text="Download" link="https://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0305741015000521" button_type="btn-default" size="btn-md" align="left" animation="none"/]
Journal of Current Chinese Affairs 07/2014; 43(2):87-106. Field research in China often requires the researcher to cooperate with two kinds of actors: research collaborators, such as those at universities or…